Sunday, May 20, 2007


It's strange what you do during weekends, really.

I'd imagine the ideal weekend to include resting, some outdoor activities (e.g. roller blading, bicycling, running, lying on the beach, volleyball etc.), cooking good food, reading a nice book and generally taking it easy. But what do you do..not that anyway (at least not to the extent you'd want, or with the mindset you'd like to have).

I'm reading a good book at the moment, called "A Passionate Life", which really summarizes what weekends (and other resting periods) should be like, or maybe why they are important and what attitude we should have regarding them. It says that you shouldn't really rest from's all about working from rest. Which makes a lot of sense actually. And THAT'S what weekends should be all about, because I believe it's only by following that principle that we can really be productive in other areas of our lives in the long run. Be it then at work, at home, at soccer practice or in our studies. God's so smart!

But what do we do? We search for master's thesis subjects all weekend, or we work for an upcoming deadline, or we bring our job home since we didn't have time to finish it last week at work (where we're paid to do it).

I pray we get more time this summer to do nice things during the weekends.

We actually did go for some roller blading today :)

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